martes, 8 de agosto de 2017

4th Grade (w2)

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

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Rewrite the following sentences using Third Conditional. 

1. daisy’s friend’s shoelace broke
2. the delivery truck moved moments earlier
3. the package wasn’t wrapped
4. the girl broke up with her boyfriend
5. the man forgot to set the alarm
6. the taxi driver stopped for a cup of coffee
7. the woman didn’t remember her coat

  1. If her shoelaces hadn’t broken
2.    .............................................................................  
3.    .............................................................................
4.    .............................................................................
5.    ............................................................................ .
6.    .............................................................................
7.    .............................................................................
Daisy and her friend …….……..………. (cross) the street and the taxi ……………………………
(drive) by.

Let's practice some grammar: ENTER HERE and complete the sentences using third conditional.

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