domingo, 25 de marzo de 2018

4° Grade [session3]

Review before the test.

Write the correct sentence on your notebook  INFINITIVE OF PURPOSE 

Write the correct sentence on your notebook → WHO, WHICH, WHOSE 

Write the correct sentence on your notebook → WHO, WHICH, THAT, WHERE 

8° Grade [session3]


Write the sentences on your notebook → DEMONSTRATIVES 1 

Write the sentences on your notebook  DEMONSTRATIVES 2 

Prepositions of time.

Write the sentences on your notebook → PREPOSITIONS OF TIME

3° Grade [session3]

Will, goint to, 1st conditional.
Write the answers on your notebook → EXERCISE 1 

Write the sentences on your notebook → EXERCISE 2 

Write the sentences on your notebook → 1ST CONDITIONAL

sábado, 24 de marzo de 2018

2° Grade [session3]

Present Progressive for future.

Write the correct sentence on your notebook → EXERCISES

Order the sentences and write them down on your notebook → CLICK HERE

Order this expressions on your copybook → FUTURE EXPRESSIONS

martes, 20 de marzo de 2018

1st Grade [session2]

Can / Can't

Do the following exercises → CLICK HERE

Answer the following questions → CLICK HERE

Complete with can or can't → CLICK HERE

Match the halves →ENTER HERE

domingo, 18 de marzo de 2018

7th Grade [session2]

Click the correct alternative → VERB TO BE



Exercise 1. Unscramble the days:
U S Y T E A D _______________________
A F R Y I D _______________________
U A N Y D S _______________________
A Y W D E D E N S _______________________
N A D Y O M _______________________
T S A R U Y A D _______________________
R H U D A T S Y _______________________
S E Y U T D A _______________________

Exercise 2. Order the Months → CLICK HERE

4th Grade [session2]

Present perfect.

We use the Present Perfect to express an action that is still going on or that stopped recently, but has an influence on the present. It puts emphasis on the result.

Fill in the gaps → EXERCISE 1

Create affirmative sentences → EXERCISE 2

Create negative sentences → EXERCISE 3

Write sentences in Present Perfect → EXERCISE 4

8th Grade [session2]


Click the correct alternative EXERCISE 1

Choose the correct alternative → EXERCISE 2

Fill in the blanks  EXERCISE 3

2nd Grade [session2]

Countable & uncountable nouns: food.

Exercise 1. Watch the video and take notes about it.  FOOD VIDEO

Exercise 2. Make a list in your notebook with countable and uncountable nouns.


3rd Grade [session2]

Have to.
  • We use have to to talk about strong obligation that comes from somewhere else; for example from you boss, you parents, a rule at school or work.
    I have to be home by ten. (My parents told me so.)
    I have to get up early, because I start work at 8. (It is a rule.)
    I have to stop when the traffic light is red. (It is the law.)
  • Don't have to means that there isn't any obligation at all,
    there is no need to do it.

    don't have to get up early at weekend. (I can stay in bed as long as I want.)
    You don't have to go with me. (You can go with me if you want to.)
  • We use has to/doesn't have to for 3rd person singular pronouns: he, she & it.

Exercise 1. Choose have to / has to or don't have to / doesn't have to.
  1. Every man  do military service in my country. It's obligatory.
  2. When do we  pay for the next term?
  3. Policemen  wear a uniform.
  4. A pilot  train for many years.
  5. Does Susan  work long hours?
  6.  get up early on Sundays. I can stay in bed.
  7. You  have a visa to come to Ukraine.
  8. You  to do it if you don't want to.
  9. My daughter  to cook, because I cook for the whole family.
  10. We  pay. It's free.
Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with have to or has to.

1. They ____________ write in the test.
2. She ____________ clean her desk.
3. Ken and Liz ____________ learn English words for their class.
4. andy ____________ help his brother tomorrow.
5. We ____________ do our homework before class.
6. He ____________ write with a pencil.
7. I ____________ feed the hamster.
8. You ____________ take photos.
9. Victoria ____________ read the newspaper.
10. The teacher ____________ send a text message.

Exercise 3. Create 3 sentences with things that are or aren't obligations for you.

lunes, 12 de marzo de 2018

domingo, 11 de marzo de 2018

2nd Grade [session1]

Simple Past: regular and irregular verbs.

Choose the correct verb form → ENTER HERE

Play the monkey game → MONKEY GAME

sábado, 10 de marzo de 2018

4th Grade [session1]

Things to do on vacation.

🎵Listen and choose the correct alternative ⇾ ENTER HERE

🎵Listen and select true or false ⇾ CLICK HERE

8th Grade [session1]

Let's play!

🎵Listen and choose the correct family member ⇾ CLICK HERE 

Read the sentences and write the nationality or the country ⇾ ENTER HERE